Creating a New Typeface For Your Next Project

Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am […]
Designing a Physics Based

Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am […]
Should Read Before Go Out

Good news, everyone! There’s a report on TV with some very bad news! Then we’ll go with that data file! Daylight and everything. If rubbin’ frozen dirt in your crotch is wrong, hey I don’t wanna be right. Just once I’d like to eat dinner with a celebrity who isn’t bound and gagged. I am […]
Alice On The Roof
I’m sorry, guys. I never meant to hurt you. Just to destroy everything you ever believed in. You don’t know how to do any of those. But existing is basically all I do! No, she’ll probably make me do it. Meh.
[media_wrap][/media_wrap] Paper is where ideas begin. It’s the easiest and most beautiful way to create on the new iPad. Capture your ideas as sketches, diagrams, illustrations, notes or drawings and instantly share them across the web. Download “Paper by FiftyThree” from the App Store.